Transitioning To Homeschooling

If you have made the decision to homeschool and part of that decision will involve transitioning your child(ren) out of the public school system, there are some aspects worth considering.

Once your kids begin their educational life outside of the public school, there will be a transition time for them; as there would be a transition time for anyone undergoing change in their life and their routines. If this is about to become your homeschooling scenario you should understand that the time after the public school, yet before you begin homeschooling is a good time to help your child through this period and prepare for their upcoming new educational experience. It’s important to use this time to help your child understand that learning and their education can take place with their home and their family unit.

Even once your homeschooling year begins it’s important to understand that your child will probably still need some time to adjust to the new routine and the new freedoms of education at home. Early on, let your child dip their toe into the water of homeschooling before jumping in. Remember, aside from the teachings, the lessons, and the learning, this will indeed be quite a different environment for your child as opposed the the bells, the crowded halls, and all the noise and distractions they have become accustom to in their previous learning environment. So, some decompression time may well be in order for them.

During this time, don’t worry about setting expectations too high, or feel as though if you don’t get started ‘doing’ something you will soon fall behind schedule. Remember, flexibility and scheduling is one of the great benefits to homeschooling. Relax. Besides, I truly believe you’ll soon find that once you do get into the rhythm of your schedule, you’ll find that with the individual attention that your child receives with each subject, they’ll soon not only make up for any early lost time, but they’ll probably surpass what you even had scheduled initially!

Use the transition or decompression time to talk with your child about what it is that they are really interested in and what they like to learn about and dream about. Talk to them about setting little and longer term goals and how by reaching each little goal one at a time they are on their way to realizing their dream. Let them know that they will be able to learn and study subject matter that they are interested in much greater detail than they have ever been able to before. Get their mind jump started on all the great projects and subject 무료웹툰 that you will cover with them in your new homeschooling environment. If you do this, you’ll find that your kids will make it through the transition from traditional education to homeschool education excited and energized about these wonderful possibilities to learning.

Using Math Games to Enhance Learning

Ever wonder how you could get your son or daughter to be more interested in math? Math is hard work, but with some fun maths games, 웹툰미리보기 you can capture their attention while they learn. So, how can you find some fun maths games? They are actually not very hard to find. If you look up math games on, for instance, many books will come up that have math games. Or, you can look up math game on the internet for free, and find many free resources for math games. There are online games, or games that you can read about and play at home with your child.

So, what is the best way to incorporate them into your child’s study schedule? It is best to cover the basics first, but let him know that the game awaits him if he masters the subject. Positive reinforcement is a proven technique for children. By saving the fun maths games for the end, you’ll not only grab your child’s attention for learning math, but you’ll give him a reward that he’ll enjoy and benefit from.

Here is an example of a challenging, but fun game. Jot down on a piece of paper the number 1-20. The 무료웹툰 game is then to, using the same number no more than 5 times and using any standard mathematical function, try to have that written number as the result. For example, if trying to get the number 1 with 5, 7’s, one may come up with1 = (7 7)/7 7/7. For 2, you may come up with (7 7)*7/7/7 = 2. Pretty simple at first, but it gets challenging later on. This and other fun maths games can be used to challenge children to use math in new and creative ways.

There are other fun maths games that can help a child expand his mind or your mind. For example, a popular game called Sudoku is being played by many adults these days. The game is easy enough for kids, but can be challenging enough for adults to enjoy. Try, and you’ll be hooked!

Losing weight is all about what you gain

Many people have thought about losing weight over the years, but often seem to fall short of an actual attempt to do it. The reason why so many people think about it so much is because deep down, they know that having that extra poundage is not at all good for them. The problem is, just knowing that being overweight is bad is not enough to really push many people to do something about it. Much like wanting to quit smoking, knowing it is bad for you dont induce people to quit doing it. However, if you were to find 분당출장마사지 some really good reasons to quit smoking, like your doctor told you if you dont quit, you will lose a lung next year, that might make you act and just do it.

Well, losing weight is just like quitting smoking, the more good reasons you have to do it, the more likely you are to act on it and make it happen. If you have something driving your motivation aside from just knowing it is bad for you, you are also more likely to maintain your weight loss goal once you reach it.

First and foremost, losing weight means getting healthier. When you lose those extra pounds you greatly reduce the risk or heart disease, stroke, cancer, high blood pressure, diabetes and joint stress, all conditions associated with being overweight. When you reduce these risks, it means you can have a much better chance of being around to see your children grow up and being around to enjoy your grandchildren. That alone is reason enough to get that weight down.

Another reason you might want to consider for losing weight is that you will feel better. As you begin to lose some of those extra pounds, you will start to notice your energy levels increasing. Being overweight by 20 pounds is like putting a 20 pound sack of potatoes on your shoulders all day. Extra body fat is nothing more than an extra burden to carry around with you everyday, so the extra weight drains your energy. For this reason, overweight people tend to be less active and this promotes more fat to collect up on them. As this continues, they become even less active and so this becomes a vicious cycle leading to obesity.

As a nice little side benefit, losing weight will make you look better, and who doesnt want to look better? Each and every one of us has a vision of what we want to look like. Most people are not completely satisfied with the way they look. They will always find something they dont like about themselves and wish they could change and for people who are overweight; this can be a great motivator to lose weight. A recent study done concluded that as early as age 5, girls who had higher body weights had lower self esteem than girls with normal body weight.

When a person loses weight, what are almost always the responses of other people who know that person? You hear things like; you look good; youve lost weight havent you? And think about how you would feel when youve lost enough weight to be able to fit into that dress or that pair of pants you wore back in high school. Now keep in mind, looking better is a great reason to lose weight but it should not be the only one.

When you have at least a few good, valid reasons to want to lose weight, it will be a lot easier to motivate yourself to get started and stay with it. Lets face it, your health, well being and self esteem are very good reasons to get rid of those extra pounds and keep them off for good.

The Best way to quit smoking

Firstly, you should stop radically or cold turkey. This works well for many heavy smokers and the results of it have been long term.

Second, think of a day you will stop, it can be tomorrow or a more favorable moment, but 성남출장안마 stop radically because you will have the best chance of success. Only a few smokers manage to quit smoking less each time to finally quit at all. It is unpleasant and not wise to stop slowly because you are actually teasing yourself and maintaining the desire to smoke.


Take away lighters, ash trays, cigarettes and everything that can be connected to smoking. Tell your friends and the people around you that you are quitting and if it is possible find somebody else who will quit with you.

The best way to quit smoking is to also change your drinking and eating habits. Try to eat a lot of fruits, drink a lot of water and stay away from pleasure drinks like tea, alcohol and coffee. Physical relaxation is also very important; if you feel edgy go for a ride or a walk or go swimming. With the money you save reward yourself, give yourself something like a clothes or a CD, or do nice things.

Dont give up!

The best way to quit smoking is not to give up if you fall back. Try to find out alternative behavior for the situation it happened so in the future you can react. You have become stronger if next time in the same situation you manage to come through.

Dealing with the Desire

When you quit smoking the first thing you notice is the desire to smoke, but this moment only lasts a few minutes. If you recently stopped smoking you will have these moments more often then if you have already stopped smoking for a few weeks (they subside as time goes by). The periods between the desires to smoke will get longer and longer after a while, and the desire will diminish. Your doctor, nicotine patches and self-help books can help you to quit smoking. Also you can find special quit smoking programs in health care centers.

So the best way to quit smoking is to stop radically, get rid of the things that reminds you of smoking, change your drinking and eating habits and the most important thing: dont give up! Just try again because you will succeed.

The Top 10 Muscle Building Facts You Need to Know!

The Top 10 Muscle Building Facts You Need to Know!

1. Building muscle has a lot to do with genetics.

If your parents are naturally thin or have a small body frame then most likely you will have the same traits. This doesnt mean you have no chance of building a strong muscular body. It just means you are going to have to work hard.

2. Your metabolism has an effect on your size.

If you have difficulty gaining weight whether its fat or muscle, then you most likely have a fast metabolism. Your body is burning calories faster than you can consume them.

3. There is no universal weight training program that is going to get massive results for every individual person.

The best way to find a program that works for you is to find someone who had the same type of body as you before and start walking their walk. There are certainly standard exercises that will build muscle but there is more to building muscle than weight lifting.

4. More training doesnt mean more muscle.

This is one of the most difficult concepts for many to grasp. The purpose of weight training is to stimulate muscle growth thats all. Once that has been done, your muscles need to repair and new muscle needs to be built which only happens when you are resting.

5. Isolation exercises arent going to get you big fast.

The best exercises to put on the most amount of overall size are multi-muscle exercises. These are exercises that require more than one muscle or muscle group to get the job done. These lifts put the most amount of stress on your body. This is the stress that will shock your nervous system into releasing the greatest amount of muscle building hormones.

6. Free weights build muscle quicker.

Free weights are preferred over machines because they make your body work harder. They require greater concentration and allow the stimulation of supporting muscles. Machines are good for beginners to help with form and basic control, but limit the effectiveness of the exercise.

7. No Pain, No Gain.

Lifting the same weights over and over isnt going to get you big. In fact it will do the exact opposite.

To build muscle you need to go heavy. This stimulates Type 시흥출장마사지 IIB muscle fibers which cause the most amount of muscle gain. Lifting heavy is when your body fails after 4-8 reps.

8. Long training sessions are a NO-GO

The idea is to stimulate muscle, not hit it from every angle possible. This is only a concern for developed body builders looking to tone muscle. Long training sessions cause catabolic hormone levels to rise dramatically. Catabolic hormones are responsible for breaking down muscle tissue resulting in MUSCLE LOSS. Your weight training sessions should go for no longer than 60-75 minutes maximum.

9. You dont need aerobic activity to lose fat.

The time spent running or swimming is muscle building and recovery time lost. Building muscle is the fastest way to lose fat. Aerobic activities will help you lose fat but not so if you are on a high calorie mass diet for building muscle.

10. 3 square meals a day isnt going to help you build muscle.

Eating is an important part of muscle building. You need to eat more often and eat more protein. You should be eating roughly every 2.5 hours which is about 6 meals per day. Spreading your meals throughout the day will improve muscle assimilation, and make sure that your body always has the calories it needs for muscle building and repair.

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